When you realize the power that shifting your perspective into this way of thinking has, you kind of become unstoppable.
Why We Fall
Why Pain and Suffering Are Our Greatest Teachers
by Daniel Martinez
There’s always a reason for falling so we can get back up again. Ever since my father taught me this when I was around seven years old, I’ve tried to live by this philosophy and endure that which life will bring our way eventually. Over the years, I’ve learned this lesson repeatedly, realizing that this philosophy is more than that; it is one of the pinnacle rules of living. I’ve been very fortunate to have a group of people for whom I’ll be forever grateful. These people have been with me every step of the way and have helped me accomplish what I have today. Even when I gave up and turned my back on myself, they were always there, never losing faith in me and what I could do.
This philosophy can show us how to live a whole and meaningful life. The process of gaining wisdom and becoming more mature comes with time. Still, we should pay attention to the fact that if experiences did not come along the way, the passing of time would be meaningless. When we fail, we get the opportunity to learn from our mistakes and keep moving forward with more knowledge than we had before. Every time we go through a difficult situation that tests us, we can either stay down or get back up, which is more vital. The process of enduring the pain and the difficulties that come with problems to overcome undoubtedly helps us grow as people and become a better versions of ourselves.
What my readers are saying....

Losing yourself is just as important as finding yourself. In fact, I would even dare to go on and say that it’s more important.

About the Author
Daniel Martinez
It’s not easy. Before we move on, remember this. It’s like going against your own nature. You’re programmed to behave in a certain way. Your genetic code tells you that it’s ok to be the victim and to believe that everything that happens to you happens because there is a certain type of secret conspiracy working against you. We enjoy and crave being the victim. It’s comfortable and we like it. Easy things are what the mind naturally cherishes the most. Well, we’re going against this. We’re going to challenge ourselves to stop feeling sorry for ourselves and instead begin to think in a “problem-solving” mentality.
A true warrior has their values so aligned with God that no matter what happens they know that everything is happening according to God’s plan. There’s no need to feel scared or uncertain because they know that God is testing them and making sure that they’re following the right path. A true warrior knows that they’re going to be tough times and that they need to find ways to solve them because only then will they be able to say that they got stronger. Only then can they actually find a sign of improvement. Only then can they feel like they’re making progress and moving on. Even when they fall, they fall forward. Falling back is not an option for them, because they know that that’s letting the victim’s mentality kick in, and they don’t do that anymore.